Membership Services Review
Welcome to the vast array of world-class services you can access when you’re a Member of the Green Industry Co-Op. Read through this extensive Members only list of invaluable services and resources, and if you're not yet a Member, please contact us to find out how our world-class program of exceptional services will help your company grow and prosper.

When OSHA cites your operation, our partner GotSafety helps resolve the citation through telephone consultation with companies throughout the U.S. or with actual boots on the ground in California. Contact us in the event of an emergency and let our experts help you determine the severity of the situation and whether or not it requires notification. In addition, count on the GotSafety client center and mobile app to access safety training, and much more. Learn more>
All California employers are required to post 18 mandatory state and federal employment notices at each business location. The Green Industry Co-Op wants to help you be compliant, so we have all-in-one posting notices available for you. As a benefit of being a Co-Op Member, you will receive 50% discount on compliance posters. English & Spanish are available for purchase.
This service includes a complete set of OSHA-compliant documentation specific to your company, industry and location. Starting with an over-the-phone interview with one of our documentation specialists, we’ll find out exactly what you need to be OSHA compliant and create it just for you. As long as you’re part of the GotSafety programs, you’ll receive free updates for life. Note: This service is provided for all clients. California clients may purchase additional on-site services with this package.
An ERISA wrap plan document is a required document under Federal Law for any employer that offers a group health plan. A group health plan is medical, dental, vision, life, disability, FSA, etc. Why do I need it? If you offer a group health plan and do not have a wrap plan document, you are violating the law and are subject to penalties up to $110/day per participant or beneficiary for each violation. As a Green Industry Co-Op Member you have access to discounted ERISA documents.
In this day and age, almost every interaction your business has with its clients involves at least some form of technology. And because of this, when technology doesn’t work as intended, or is compromised, it can cause devastating issues for your business and put your sales at risk. This means that your tech equipment and software needs to be in tip-top shape, and when things go wrong, the problems need to be fixed ASAP.
Do you have an employee handbook? If so, how long has it been since it was last updated? One year? Two years? More? Your handbook could be missing several important clauses. An employee handbook is a necessary tool in protecting your company. Court cases have shown that the lack of an employee handbook, or one that is outdated could cost a company thousands of dollars. As a Green Industry Co-Op Member your employee handbook will be reviewed at no cost. After creating a new and updated handbook, we will also keep it updated annually – free of charge.
A comprehensive safety plan isn’t just necessary, it’s an imperative. You want meetings that adhere to OSHA’s Injury & Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP) requirements and promote the safety needs of your company specifically. While it’s your responsibility to provide safety programs, training and implementations in compliance with federal and state OSHA requirements, we can assist you with an Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) that is site specific to your company.
As a Green Industry Co-Op Member you have access to an IIPP that will address all of your company’s unique safety issues, while complying with OSHA’s safety requirements.
The service of marketing is a key ingredient in order to acquire, or maintain a leadership position, which is why we have partnered with intouch Business, a company that has served the green industry for over 10 years. A company that understands the nature of your business and how to help you succeed. Through your Membership in the Green Industry Co-Op you will receive a FREE Marketing Review and a set of Recommendations from a professional marketing team. You will also receive a report showing you exactly where your company stands when it comes to effective use of marketing to keep your customers, get new ones, and recruit new team members.
The main goal of the Injury and Illness Prevention Programs (IIPP) is to prevent workplace injuries, illnesses and deaths. Get your safety plan reviewed for free! If you don’t have a safety plan, you can also get yours from our store.
Green Industry Co-Op Members save thousands of dollars annually for valuable services. Through our national network of top-notch attorneys and consultants, you will always have free and unlimited expert business and legal advice regarding Labor Law, Business Law, Safety and Risk Management. In addition, you will be able to access our HR Hotline. Join our community of peers to gain peace of mind and ensure you protect your business from hidden risks. Learn more >
In order to lower your Workers’ Comp premium you need a safer work environment. An XMod review includes a free analysis of your workers’ compensation costs. About 25% of the work we do is in the area of managing the data used to determine premiums, i.e. XMods, payrolls, classifications, etc. This process is especially important since 80% of the time the calculations that determine an employer’s premium are incorrect. About 75% of the work we do regards the claim management. The cost analysis report we provide after we conduct the XMOD review can reduce the number of claims by 37% and impact your costs by 48% per claim.
Our Handbook Builder lets you meet compliance and legal requirements by creating a customized, all-in-one handbook with all the federal and state policies that apply to your employees and your organization. Save thousands of dollars by never falling out of compliance.
The Harvest Group is an international business consultancy specializing in the Green Industry. Currently conducting business in 42 states and 5 countries, they offer you more than 80 combined years of landscape business experience. As a Green Industry Co-Op Member you are able to access The Harvest Academy – an online program providing business tools, strategies and business support from the Harvesters – at a discount. Participation in teleconferences, webinars and regional seminars throughout the year will also be available, with the sole objective of helping you build a better business and make more money.
The experience modification rate rewards companies who handle their claims well by lowering their premium, and it has the reverse effect when claims are poorly managed. The cost of this service is 3-6% of the premium. This is a small charge when you consider an average ROI of 661%!
When you join the Green Industry Co-Op and purchase your insurance through LCIS, our endorsed insurance provider, you’ll access a world of insurance coverages developed especially for you, supported by a world-class customer service team. Not only that, you’ll receive annual rebates and an equity value deposited in your Golden Oak Co-operative account as a bonus when you retire. Learn more >
Green Industry Co-Op presents Payroll Services that work for you—not the other way around. We have partnered with Paylocity to provide you with: a 20% discount on Paylocity products; Up to (4) Carrier integrations per customer at no cost (minimum 100+ employees); Access to partner service support. Through this business partnership you will be able to manage your day-to-day tasks effectively, while focusing on implementing an employee experience aimed at engaging, retaining, and developing your workforce. Learn more...
Are you meeting OSHA's General Duty rules? Are you ensuring consistent compliance over the long-term? Does your business have a plan for an event that could catch you by surprise? The Green Industry Co-Op ensures our Members meet OSHA requirements by conducting a general assessment of your workplace, safety program, and operations, to determine whether you do. The audit and review is followed up by a written report outlining our findings and next step recommendations. Join our community of peers and take advantage of our Compliance Audit & Review program. Learn more>