Legal & HR Consulting
Green Industry Co-Op Members save thousands of dollars annually for valuable services. Through our national network of top-notch attorneys and consultants, you will always have free and unlimited expert business and legal advice regarding Labor Law from industry leading firms like Littler Mendelson P.C. and Jackson Lewis P.C. In addition, you will be able to access our HR Hotline. Join our community of peers to gain peace of mind and ensure you protect your business from hidden risks.
Legal & HR Advice: Free to Our Members
The best news is that consults provided to Green Industry Co-Op Members are more than just “yes” and “no” answers to your question, they’re green industry-specific advice from leading attorneys, safety experts, and workers’ compensation claims specialists. Best of all, this service is free to our Members.
Labor Law
Discrimination and Harassment, Employee Benefits, Leaves of Absence, Handbook Policies, and Workers Comp.
HR Hotline
Speak with a certified HR expert to answer your immediate HR specific questions quickly.
Business Law
Contract Review, Construction, Professional Liability, and a variety of General Business Law issues.
Safety & Risk Management
Hazard Recognition and Prevention, Accident Reporting, Education and Training, Emergency Action Plans.

SAVE up to $15,631 or more annually! JOIN THE COMMUNITY >
Read on to see some examples of the many inquiries we receive every day.
You may identify with some of them…

Topic: Employee Absence
Amount Our Member Saved Per Hour: $465.00
This question was posed to an Attorney at Littler Mendelson…
"We have an employee who has been working with our Company for a little over 90 days. During that time, she has been absent a lot. She says she has allergies and migraines, although she has no doctor’s confirmation. We have less than 50 employees and it had become a hardship having her miss work and for her to be late excessively. When she is here she does a good job, but she needs to cover for a person on vacation and because of her behavior, the owner thinks she is unreliable."
• What are our client’s options?
• Could they make this employee part time?
Due to the issue of confidentiality, we are unable to provide the answer this Attorney gave our Member, but they gave it 5 Stars on a 5 point rating scale!

Topic: Vacation Accural
Amount Our Member Saved Per Hour: $535.000
This question was posed to an Attorney at Littler Mendelson…
“If our employee helped our Company offset the cost of new sick leave days could they change/reduce vacation accrual?”
Due to the issue of confidentiality, we are unable to provide the answer this Attorney gave our Member, but they gave it 5 Stars on a 5 point rating scale!

Topic: Health Care Act Laws
Amount Our Member Saved Per Hour: $465.00
This question was posed to an Attorney at Jackson Lewis PC…
“We are concerned that if we are an S-Corp with less than 50 employees, could we be fined $100.00 per day per employee if we do not provide health coverage? We have read that this rule was coming into effect on Jan 1, 2016, and we’re concerned because we can not afford the premiums. Is this correct?”
Due to the issue of confidentiality, we are unable to provide the answer this Attorney gave our Member, but they gave it 5 Stars on a 5 point rating scale!

Topic: Overtime Pay
Amount Our Member Saved Per Hour: $535.00
This question was posed to an Attorney at Littler Mendelson…
“We have crews that work Monday through Friday and then some work on Saturday. Because the Fourth of July fell on Saturday they did not work. Are we obligated to pay these employees overtime for the Fourth of July?”
Due to the issue of confidentiality, we are unable to provide the answer this Attorney gave our Member, but they gave it 5 Stars on a 5 point rating scale!